Summer Safety Tips for Drivers

Mature Male Motorist In Crash For Crash Insurance Fraud Getting Out Of Car

Through no fault of your own, you were in a car collision, and since you did nothing wrong, now you are counting on the other driver to take responsibility for the collision.

TV Lawyers

Happy young white couple watching TV sitting on a sofa

You have undoubtedly seen endless attorneys on tv commercials promising quick results and stating that there’s “no fee unless we get paid”.

Trial Lawyer in Gainesville, GA

Lawyer is providing information about the client's trial at the lawyer office.

A serious car accident can be life-changing. For most people, the desire to come to a quick resolution with the insurance company of the at-fault driver (or the driver themselves) becomes the top priority.

Contingency Fees: Nothing New

Senior mid 60s aged woman calculating bank fee with computer.

Big advertising law firms appear to place a great deal of time and effort into promoting their services as if they are unique and different.

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