Driving on the roads today has become far more difficult than just a decade ago…even a few years ago. Not only are there more and more drivers added to our roads, distracted driving, usually from the use of smart devices while driving, has made our roads more dangerous than in all of automotive history. Moreover, a shocking reality pervades the analysis of the dangers of driving: impaired driving, usually following the use of drugs and alcohol, continues to kill.
Our heart goes out to the family of Kayla Smith, and her extended family at Hilsman Middle School in Athens, Georgia, as they are now coping with the most horrific loss imaginable:
We will continue to pray for all affected.
In the simplest of terms, there is absolutely no excuse for impaired driving. Driving while impaired to the level of traveling the wrong way on a divided highway is an even more egregious transgression. With the availability of quick and easy transportation from innumerable sources, to include various rideshare providers prevalent in almost every appreciable sized city in America, driving while impaired should be an ancient memory for us all. It is not. Irresponsible motorists continue to drive while impaired on a regular basis making our loved ones become a memory far too frequently. If you or someone close to you even hints at placing themselves behind the wheel of a motor vehicle after having consumed even the slightest of potentially impairing substances, stop it before a senseless death is the result.
If you or a loved one have ever been injured by the negligence of another, especially an impaired driver, we are always ready to help. Call 678-971-1166.