Often I am disappointed to see victims getting hoodwinked into hiring an inexperienced lawyer, an out of town lawyer, or just a plain, ol’ wrong lawyer. Hiring a lawyer familiar with the local jury pool, law enforcement, and area is a huge advantage often missed by victims who’ve been ill-advised. Whenever significant injurious incidents occur, rest assured the insurance companies waste no time in getting their experts and lawyers on the scene to gather (and shape) evidence. In our record verdict of $21million+ from 2020, I was retained by the family 4 days after the death of their loved one and that was 3 days after the insurance company had retained counsel and experts. Having a local, experienced lawyer on the scene very, very quickly is supremely important.
Recently, we learned of a horrific collision here in Hall County.
We pray the victims are able to obtain qualified and experienced counsel, like us, to protect the legal rights of all involved.
We hope Jason Rainwater, 20, of Pendergrass, and Bailey Viele, 22, of Buford can locate local, qualified counsel quickly. Yet, we are most concerned with the legal fate of Colo Edin, 43, of Chicago. Mr. Edin may be returning to Chicago to complete his convalescence. Before too long, with any luck, he’ll be appropriately advised and counseled to obtain the right, local lawyers to protect him before it is too late.
Knowing who to hire to protect your legal rights is hard enough. Knowing when to hire them may be even more difficult to discern. Without question, priority one should be getting physically and emotionally better in your recovery. After that, protecting your legal rights rises to a very, very close second. The sooner you get experienced and qualified counsel on-board, the better chance you have at obtaining the justice you deserve.