Heroes walk among us every day. We often don’t realize their contributions or even their presence, but we should.
First responders, both law enforcement and medical providers, are exceptionally important to both our safety and our well-being. Despite the absurdity of silly rhetoric questioning the necessity of law enforcement, we at Lazenby Law Group are well aware it is the Police Officer, Sheriff’s Deputy, State Trooper, and Federal equivalents who protect the hard earned freedoms of law abiding citizens each and every day. We are a safe and civilized society as a result of the Police, and that is precisely why we are honoring a phenomenal Gainesville Police Officer for this edition of Lazenby Law Group’s Hometown Heroes.
Meet Officer Zachary “Zach” Lowery.
Zach is a Police Officer with the City of Gainesville and has been for the past 10 years. Historically, Zach protected and served the good citizens of Gainesville in the blazing heat of Georgia’s summers to the bone-chilling cold of the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountain winters as a bicycle patrolman.
Zach’s work ethic and performance have been recognized by the Gainesville PD as he has long since left his bicycle patrolling days and is now a Corporal and a First Line Supervisor on Patrol.
We asked Zach about two polar opposite aspects of his job: the most difficult and the most rewarding. Admirably, and without hesitation, Zach thought first about his and his fellow patrolmen’s families:
“Rotating shift schedules and being away from family for . . . approximately 13 to 15 hours a day.”
“Ensuring fellow and subordinate officers make it home safe to their families.”
Zach’s responses were a stark reminder of the considerations at the forefront of these heroes’ minds as they face the real and potential threats and dangers to ensure the safety of us all.
Somberly, Zach recalled a significant memory of being shot at multiple times characterizing the event as a “memory [that] will forever stay with [him and] changed who [he is].”
Lazenby Law Group not only respects and appreciates the sacrifices our police officers make, but we are just as respectful and appreciative of the sacrifices of their families.
Zach’s dedication to the citizens of Gainesville inspires him to aspire. He sees his service reach far beyond his current patrolman status. Zach hopes to one day be the Chief of Police or the County Sheriff.
The man who currently occupies Zach’s dream job, Chief Jay Parrish, shared with us some accolades for Zach:
Zach is a role-model officer. He polices based on a deep set of moral values. He’s honest and forthright in his actions. He strives to make his team, his community and himself better. It’s an honor to work with him.
Zach’s dreams for Gainesville and Hall County further justifies our selection of Zach to be a Hometown Hero. When asked where Zach would like to see Gainesville or Hall County in the next 5-10 years, Zach responded with: “Continued growth of local businesses and revitalization of lower income housing areas.” Commendable.
Not wanting to waste the opportunity, we also asked Zach some practical advice:
A: I always tell folks being late somewhere does not give you a right to put others in danger, and now [you] are going to be late and either pay a fine or have to take off of work to go to court.
A: Please don’t sarcastically say, “I didn’t do it” or “That’s your guy, take him to jail” to any police officer. You are not funny. Also if you are a mother or father, don’t point at a police officer and tell your child, “If you don’t act right, that police officer will take you to jail.” Telling your child that will ensure they won’t ever trust a police officer…”
Not surprisingly, if limited to three words, Zach says his Momma and Grandmomma would describe him as “outspoken, blunt, and truthful.” We’ll certainly heed Zach’s advice.
Originally from Sautee Nacoochee, Zach graduated from White County High School. He attended Bean Creek Missionary Baptist Church. Zach was an athlete and still enjoys football, basketball, fishing, snowmobiling, and shooting.
Zach’s fondest childhood memory? “Working the farm with my Grandpa on the John Deere Tractor.” With clear respect, Zach described his Grandpa as “The only father figure I had.”
Notably, Zach is a bit of a renaissance man collecting rare bourbons and enjoying them. His dream vacation? A “wolverine hunt in Alaska, Montana, Canada.”
Montana is Zach’s ultimate retirement destination, too. When asked if he “could have a meal with anybody in history, who would it be and why?” Zach responded: “Geronimo, Red Cloud, Sitting Bull & Chief Joseph.” He’d ask them, ‘How do you feel about Americans Defending the Land they took from you that you fought hard to keep? How do you feel about Reservations, how they are treated, the poverty on them, drug use that is rampant in their community, and what’s their feeling on casinos?’
Perhaps Zach and the great warriors could break bread at his favorite Gainesville eatery: Sliced. . . “affordable and delicious.”
The fiery and divisive nature of foolish political rhetoric often makes us overlook the good people who keep us safe. Daily, Officer Zach Lowery and other brave Police Officers place themselves in harm’s way so we can all enjoy this great community.
To Zach and all the Gainesville Police Department, please accept our deepest and most sincere gratitude. To each who’ve learned a bit more about Zach, please stop and say a little prayer for our Men in Blue.